Keeping your data safe

We are committed to meeting enterprise-grade privacy and security standards

Compliance and certifications

Badge for GDPR compliance
Badge for active GDPR monitoring by Vanta

We are fully GDPR compliant. Our compliance is actively monitored by Vanta to ensure continuity.

Badge for ISO 27001 certificate
Badge for continuous ISO 27001 monitoring by Vanta
In progress - ISO 27001:2022

We are actively working towards ISO 27001 certification with the support of the Vanta platform. 


Your data stays yours, and secure

Data at rest
All customer data is securely stored in an AWS database and protected by encryption at rest.
Data in transit
The SSL/TSL and HTTPS protocols ensure safe connection to data stores and data encryption during transit.
Secrets management
AWS Secrets Manager manages the lifecycle of secrets, while AWS Key Management System is used to create and control encryption keys. 
Data residency
Data can be stored in any of the available AWS regions, ensuring compliance with data residency requirements.
Access rights
Fine-grained permissions make it easy to manage data accessibility for team members.
Dependency scanning
Continuous scanning of dependencies ensures an up-to-date system and prevents vulnerabilities.
Network scanning
Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS/IPS) systems are used for network vulnerability scanning,  preventing malicious activity.
Vendor management
Vendor reviews ensure new and existing vendors maintain best security practices.
99.9% uptime
Resilient infrastructure makes operational continuity possible, even under extreme data volumes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is our data stored with other customers' data?
Plus sign

No. Each customer's data is stored separately. 

Do you offer the same level of data protection to all customers?
Plus sign

Yes, regardless of the region or company size, we ensure your data is securely managed.

What happens to our data after our business cooperation is terminated?
Plus sign

Subject to our agreement and applicable regulation, upon termination of our business cooperation, our standard data retention policies apply to your data.

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